How to insert jump break in latest blogger post ?

How to insert jump break in blogger? fix your homepage no of showing post.

 Insert jump break in latest blogger post ?

Welcome to websduniya, today we are coming with a new genuine article about latest blogger post settings which are most important to known every newbie bloggers.
This article we are showing how to insert jump break in blogger post inside and how it's works ?
also how much useful for blogs. So let's start

insert jump break in latest blogger
insert jump break in latest blogger post 

How to insert jump break in latest blogger post ? 👀

Adding jump breaks in blogger post is very easy, 

💋 Sign in in our blogger account.

💋 Go to Post Editor in compose view.

💋 Open post editor to add new post or to edit existing post.

💋 Click and set your cursor where you want to add jump break.

💋 Open 'More option' by clicking three '…' in editor options. see following screenshot.

find jump break option on blogger
find jump break option

💋 From more options click '_' (Insert jump break) option.

Insert jump break on blogger post
Insert jump break on blogger post

That's It... Enjoy. 👌

Now Let's Known Why we are should using jump break ?

Some of blogger writes blogger posts in hindi or bengali language then it's sure your blog post content are too long. that's reason your blog post not showing your selectable no of post on homepage. normally you can faced with this problem you have ton of articles but home page showing only 1-3 posts only. because your article included lots of you need to used the jump break on long article inside to fix that problems.

 Advantages of using of jump break. 👀

  • Fixed homepage showing no of posts limited problems
  • Speed up our page loading speed.
  • Making professional blog to interact visitors.
  • Helps us to reduce the bounce rate of our blog.
  • Visitors need to click on the read more link to view the details. {good habit for blog}
  • Increase our page views.

*Related Tags: How to fix limited no. of  homepage post issues 👈

Author Note : 

Hope you are likes our article about how to insert jump break in blogger. also may be useful for you. If you have any question related this article then comments we will responses soon. Don't forgot to share this article.

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